Spice up your life

I love spices in every kind of way and form; spicy food, spicy drinks, spicing up my life.. The list goes on.

Amongst my top five you'll find ginger, cardamom, chili and cloves.

When traveling, I'm always on the look out for new variants of different spices and whilst in India, I, to my great surprise and pleasure, came across a few of them in a new (for me at least) innovative, concentrated liquid form.

Such a brilliant way of packaging something that you need very little of and that quickly goes old or moldy, just by concentrating it as a fluid which lasts forever. Perfect solution for a spicy (loving) gal like myself..!

Naturally, amongst the spicy fluids, I had to try concentrated drops of Indian masala tea.

Perfect for a spicy, pre-bedtime cuppa.



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